Thursday, January 18, 2007

Open Letter #1 to Jim Haywood

Without a doubt, most people here visit often. I know that site is not affiliated with this one, but site visitors here also go there on a regular basis. Because of that, many people here often praise Jim Haywood for his website and for "revealing the truth." People act like Jim is so great and all-knowing but I've learned about about Jim over the past few months and he is far from that. Instead, I have learned that he is a deceiver and liar. Below is an open letter to Mr. Haywood to show others exactly where his motives currently are. If anyone has comments on the letter, please feel free to send them to - Thank you.

An Open Letter To Jim Haywood:

Dear Jim,

I can't help but keep thinking about your website. Often I wonder what your purpose behind the site is. You claim in your website's mission statement your desire for the site is to "honor Jesus Christ." You also claim that it exists to "provide members of Bellevue Baptist Church of Memphis, Tennessee with a greater degree of visibility of the government of our church." After reading those two statements, I chuckled to myself because your site has not done either of those items, but quite the opposite. I have compiled a list of points to address with you from the past several months just to show you where your true intentions are or at least how they are coming across to many people.

The first point I'd like to address is the "popularity" of your website. You sure are enjoying it, aren't you? Fact: Who called Action News 5 to tell them about the site and issues surrounding Bellevue Baptist Church? was none other than you. Fact: Who contacted the Commercial Appeal and other media outlets? was none other than you. You have your little website, so why did you need to feel the need to contact the media? Oh wait, it's because you want the attention. That's exactly your problem. You are starved for attention. Not many people knew your name prior to the controversy you started. But now, you seem to be a household name for Bellevue members. Honesty - do you enjoy that attention? Of course you do, it's only natural...and that's where the bigger problem is. You can't "let go" of the attention. You feel like you are celebrity and everyone admires you....I can assure you, Jim, that is not the case. So, suggestion number one from me to you....lose the ego. It's not about you, Jim.

More proof that you are enjoying the attention: Recently after the news media reported some more information, your site got a lot of hits. So what do you do the next day? Post in big red letters the main page: "Over 10,000 hits Thursday." That showed to me, among many others, that your desire is to not show others the truth, but this is a publicity and attention thing for you. Think about it, Jim...that's pathetic. Just like your site counter. Why don't you post a little message on your website saying about 200,000 of those hits were from the same person because your counter wasn't tracking unique visitors when it first started off (and it still doesn't) and somebody exposed that on your site. Oh wait - that would make yourself look bad...and we wouldn't want that, would we?

Now, let’s shift the focus to the lies that have come from your website. I love it how you have all your 50 point font, color red headlines for your lies. You keep it up to destroy the church, yet once it’s proven wrong you remove it and act like you’re all about the truth. Do you not verify your information before you post it? Or just because you get something “juicy” it has to be posted immediately? You really don’t make much sense, Jim. What about the credit card charges that you claimed Gaines used for personal stuff? You were proven wrong, buddy. Have you ever apologized to anyone for the people you hurt by posting this rumor? What about the time when you posted someone’s name and then a statement saying, “He has chosen not to return our phone calls.” Maybe that person didn’t return your phone calls, because you never made any calls in the first place? Your website is deceiving, and YOU are a deceiver, Jim. I have you figured out, though, and soon others will realize that you are a liar. Oh, and what about that time when you posted that highly offensive picture of the Nazi salute and compared that to Gaines and the people of BBC??? How many people know of that?

Another point to talk about – how do you choose which of your emails you respond to? Because I have it from a number of people that when people criticize your site, you don’t reply. When people send you a question about yourself or site, you don’t reply. When people give you site suggestions, you don’t reply. But…wait a second. Somebody just sent you a juicy piece of gossip (a lie)…so what do you do? You reply and you post your headline within minutes before verifying anything. That’s unbelievable. Why do you do that? Oh wait, we already covered that…you’re attention starved.

Moving on… How do you think others would feel if they knew you were trying to make money off of the whole ordeal surrounding Bellevue right now? Do you think most people would agree or disagree that you should do that? Why don’t you make an announcement on your website linking to your other website in the making…you know, the one where you’re helping with the publishing of a book on how to avoid what’s going on? You better hurry up on that project….and for anyone else reading this, don’t forgot to pre-order your copy on how to avoid the purpose driven church from Mr. Haywood + friends for only $21 per book. If you order two books, you can save $2 and pay only $39!!! I can smell it now…cha-ching in your pocket, Jim….cha-ching….

There is so much else I could address but I’ll end with your latest incident regarding the camcorder and you’re told you’re not allowed to record the service. What makes you more special than FOX13 or News Channel 3? They aren’t allowed to record the service, so why should Jim Haywood? My point exactly, you shouldn’t. Anyways, you post on your site the account of your morning worship service. First of all, somebody decided to sit next to you…*gasp* say, it isn’t so! Do you own a whole section in the Bellevue sanctuary that only you’re allowed to sit in? You’re the victim, aren’t you, Jim? You poor thing.

You need to quit the website….but should you decide to keep it up, here is some advice for you. 1) Take spelling lessons….you have too many grammatically errors on your site. 2) Don’t take verses out of context….that only makes you look foolish. 3) Grow up.

That’s all,


At November 11, 2008 at 9:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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